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"PLUTO+" is a group to send information on one garden and some shops that exist in the SecondLife.

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Jan 2, 2013

nonino's new item

* nonino * Ban sugoroku (Asian backgammon)

Ban sugoroku

OK copy / NO mod+trans
2people can sit / 10prim
(Script for playing a game is not used)

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nonino's Group gift

Happy new year! :D
It is information of nonino's Group gift :)


Hama-Ya is....

Hama-Ya is an arrow-shaped goodluck charm. 
It is said to ward off evil spirits and bring in happiness. 

Hama-ya is sold at the shrine during the New Year's holidays.
People decorate with this arrow inside the entrance door.

By doing so, people prevent an evil spirit going into a house.



あけましておめでとうございます! :D
*nonino* から、新年のグループギフトのお知らせです。


今年も一年間、よろしくおねがいしますm(_ _)m


noni Troncon
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